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Resources for NY Teams 

World Finals Sales


Advancing Teams...​


You are all representing Team New York at World Finals this year at Iowa State University May 22nd - 25th.


Teams will be gifted a NY World Finalist T-shirt and must wear it for Opening and Closing Ceremonies.


Each year NYSOMA also offers teams, supporters and officials attending WFs from NYS the opportunity to purchase:

  • Pins for pin trading

  • Light-up Gear (headgear and light saber) to use in the opening and closing ceremonies.

  • Pin Bags and Pin Towels

  • Lanyards

NY Odyssey State T-shirt

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NY Eyeball Sweatshirt.png

NY Odyssey Hooded Sweatshirt (Adult sizes only)

NY Odyssey Pin Bags (Colors Vary)

NY Odyssey - Lanyard

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Pin Towel

LED Headgear - Blinking/Flashing

It is the perfect size for holding critical items like the dorm key, identification, money, etc.


The wallet will clip to shorts, lanyards, backpacks, etc.


It has the NY logo on the front, so if you lose it, people will know its from a New York team.

NY Odyssey - ID Wallet

LED Tambourine - Multi-color Blinking/Flashing Noise-maker


Orders are for whole teams, not individual team members and families, so each team needs to have someone consolidate all the orders.


Submit via email to 

Order Form
All Pin Orders are due by May 1st.

Pin orders may be accepted up until May 9th but will filled on an as-available basis. All orders will have an order confirmation sent. 


Orders will need to be paid for when picked up by credit card, cash or check.  The pickup date will be on Saturday May 13th.  The location will be the Lucas Farm in Virgil NY ( just south of Cortland ).  More address details will be provided when order confirmations are sent out.  Payments will be accepted on the day of pick-up or before via credit card or PayPal


Shipping pins and T-shirts can be expensive so we are encouraging teams that live close to each order to connect and see if there is someone that can come pick-up all the orders to bring back to their local area.  You can arrange for orders to be mailed, but the cost of mailing is the team’s responsibility.  Any mailed orders will be sent immediately following May 13th.


People often don't order enough pins and run out once they start trading. We will bring a limited amount of pins to WFs in Iowa to purchase there, and will hold 2 opportunities to buy additional pins on Thursday and Friday evenings of WFs. 


Use the following email address for any communications related to NY WFs Sales.

Please send all your orders to this email address, as well as any questions. 


I look forward to hearing from you all.  


Liz Hall



P.S. If you are freaking out about paying for all of this, checkout these ideas from previous teams and coaches!

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