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Problem 4 Specifics

Weigh-in Procedures

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Each competition might have specific times to report to Weigh-In, but generally teams report to the Weigh-In Site with its structure, and glue, if used, to have it checked for specifications at least 40 minutes or more before its scheduled performance time.


The structure being tested should be brought to weigh-in where the team will assemble the three components into the final structure that will be tested for weight held.


If the final structure or any of the three components do not meet specifications, Weigh-In judges will try to give the team an opportunity to bring it into specification or submit a different structure before the team’s competition time. In most cases, corrections should be completed no less than 20 minutes before competition time. There is no penalty if the structure is brought into specification before completing the Weigh-In process.

The assembled final structure components will be weighed and measured. The team will then separate the structure into the three components to verify the pieces for each are interconnected. A judge will provide the team with a bag, or the team can use its own container if it is approved by the Weigh-In officials to store the structure components. The team will place the structure components into the bag/container and the judge will attach a Weigh-In Checklist to it. The structure will remain at the Weigh-In Site until the team picks it up for competition. The team must return to pick up its structure no later than 25 minutes before its scheduled competition time. An official will accompany teams as they bring the structure from Weigh-In to the Staging Area for competition.


Team members must report to the competition site with everything they will use in their solution at least 20 minutes before they are scheduled to compete. The team is not allowed to remove the Weigh-In Checklist until directed to do so by the Staging Area Judge. If the Weigh-In Checklist has been removed, the bag or container tampered with, or the structure removed, the team may have to repeat the Weigh-In process. Depending on the situation, the team could receive a Spirit of the Problem penalty. After removal of the Weigh-in Checklist by the official, the team may hide the three components for the performance.

Structure Testing

The team has 8 minutes to test its structure and present its performance. The team must stop all activity when the judge calls “time.” Or, the team may give a signal indicating the performance portion is over.

The three structure components will be fully revealed and assembled into the final structure before weight-placement can begin. Time will continue.

The team should inform the Staging Area judge if it expects to continue its performance after the structure breaks. Should the team finish its performance before the structure breaks and has given the signal to end the performance, the team will be allowed to continue placing weights.

If any of the following occur, all weight-placement will end when:

a. the Crusher Board or any part of the structure touches any corner post.

b. any part of the structure touches anything other than the surface of the Tester base and the bottom of the Crusher Board.

c. the top weight rests against the safety pipe and the judges determine that the pipe is helping to support the weight stack. If time remains, the team will be given the opportunity to adjust that weight and continue weight placement.

d. a weight extends beyond the height of the full length of the safety pipe, including extension pipes, if provided by the tournament director.

e. the team indicates it wishes weight placement to stop.

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