Welcoming new NYSOMA Board Members, a new Board Chair, a look at the problem synopses for next year and a call for pin design suggestions!

Liz Hall is the new Chairperson of the NYSOMA Board. A big thanks goes out to Jeff Guldenschuh, the previous Chair, who now will shadow the Treasurer, taking that role on fully in 2025 when Jeff Carter steps down.
Liz writes:
"I have been involved with Odyssey for over 20 years and have loved every minute of my time with the organization. I began as a Long Term judge in the late 1990s and then switched to a Spontaneous judge after a few years. I joined the NYSOMA board in 2019 as a Board Member, then Recording Secretary, and now happily as the Board Chairperson.
I have a wonderful husband, Rich, who fully supports my work with NYSOMA, and he even helps with pin counting as we fill the World Finals orders. We do not have children, but have two cats who are totally loved (spoiled), Kona is our Torti and her sister Zoe is our Torbi. They are our COVID cats and are very skittish around other people but they ‘own’ us. They are 3 years old and were born on my birthday so we have a nice celebration together every year. I recently retired after 41 years as an educator, the last 25 years were spent as a Professor of Special Education at SUNY-Geneseo. Now I spend my free time traveling the world, dabbling with photography, and quilling."
New Board Members
We are incredibly lucky to introduce 5 new members to the NYSOMA. Let's allow them to introduce themselves.
Caelynn Prilo

Caelynn received a BA in Anthropology from the University of Vermont and an MS in Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology from the University at Albany. She has extensive experience in workforce development and training, community-based learning and not-for-profit operations. Caelynn currently serves youth in Schenectady as the Director of Operations at the Boys & Girls Clubs and by sitting on the board of the Schenectady Education Fdn and the Schenectady CTE Advisory Board.
She has been a NYSOMA participant, coach, and judge over the years and loves spontaneous problems! Caelynn enjoys spending her free time outdoors and on the water with her two children, husband and tiny dog.
Hannah Greve

Hi, I'm Hannah! I am an OOTM Alumni (Region 5!!!) and very excited to join the board! I work in the film industry and freelance as a concert/live event photographer.
I am bilingual and speak both English and the Brazilian dialect of Portuguese. I am a big fan of hiking, traveling, reading, and spending time with my dog! :)
Naomi Bush

My name is Naomi Bush, I am a speech therapist and Odyssey of the Mind coach. For
sixteen years I have fostered greatness in students who range in age from 5 to 22, in their academic programs. For nine years I have been a coach showcasing my flexibility and creative thinking!!
I am also a small business owner specializing in creating customized and heirloom dolls. My work has been featured in newspapers, magazines, museums, art shows, and fiber fairs and festivals. I look forward to sharing my skills and talents with the NYSOMA board.
Melissa Talma

I am a professional artist, graphic designer, and art teacher, and I coached 10 teams over 9 years of OOTM, and this past year started working with the NYSOMA Board on the Pin Committee.
I love how OOTM makes the quest for innovation, wackiness and silliness into something real, tangible, and deliberate. My personal philosophy is that everyone should pursue creativity in some way, to keep life interesting and make the world a brighter place.
Rachel Brugger

Hi my name is Rachel and Odyssey has been a huge part of my life and I'm excited to be a part of the organization!
I have a bachelors in psychology and love to paint and create non-traditional art in my free time. I also enjoy playing rugby and hiking!
Problem Synopses
Looking to get started again with Odyssey? While the full problems won't be published till August (usually!), here are some sneak peeks to get you excited!
Pin Design Contest
While things are fresh in your mind, why don't you send us a suggestion for next year's pins? We are particularly looking for sets that will trade well at World Finals, but if you have an idea for cute or clever single pin, send it along. It doesn't matter if you aren't artistic send us your idea, rough sketch or finished design and out pin guru will make it happen!
