Capture the King
Your challenge is to roll the balls down the ramp and knock over the black chess pieces while leaving the white chess pieces standing.
This is a two-part challenge.
This is a two-part challenge.
In Part I, you will have 3 minutes to discuss the challenge, create a solution, and practice.
In Part II, you will have 3 minutes to test your solution for score. You can ask the judges questions, but time will continue. The judge will warn you when 1 minute remains in each part.
(see set-up)
Set up the chessboard and table as shown in the figures below.
Select all of the white and the black pawns and also the black King.
Use tape to mark the foul line and to hold the chessboard in place.
Give the team a container holding ten golf balls.
Make a ramp using a 16” piece of molding with one end attached to a board so it is 8” high.
Give the team four pieces of 2” x 4” wood that are no longer than 6”.
For Judges Only:
Check the ramp before each team competes. Make sure the team does not place it anywhere past the foul line. Use molding that allows the balls to travel down them accurately.
Team members must stand behind the foul line while a ball is in play. If for some reason a team member drops a ball before rolling it, or a ball is rolled but falls off the ramp before hitting the table, that ball can be picked up and rolled again.
There is a table with a chessboard taped to it. There is a taped foul line, and behind the foul line there is a ramp and a bucket of 10 balls.
Your challenge is to roll the balls down the ramp and knock over the black chess pieces while leaving the white chess pieces standing. If you can knock over the black King without knocking over any white chess pieces you will get a bonus.
You have four pieces of wood to use. You can place the wood anywhere on the table or on the chessboard.
you wish in Part I. When Part II begins, you will place the pieces of wood anywhere you want on the table. They will stay in place for the first three rolls. Then you can change their position for the next three rolls. You aren’t allowed to use them for the last four rolls.
You can move the ramp between rolls if it is always completely behind the foul line. You are only allowed to roll each ball one time. You are not allowed help guide or move the ball after it is released down the ramp.
After each ball comes to rest, a judge will remove all knocked-over chessmen and will also remove the ball from the course.
You do not need to roll all the balls and may stop at any time. Otherwise, you will be scored when time ends or after all the balls have been rolled.
You will be scored as follows:
For each black chess piece that is knocked over you will receive 2 points.
For each white chess piece that is knocked over you will lose 2 points.
If you can knock over the black king but not knock over ANY of the white pieces you will receive 15 bonus points
You will receive 1 to 15 points for how well your team works together
Were team member tasks and responsibilities sorted out clearly?
Did the team use the pieces of wood effectively?
Was time used effectively?
What would the team do differently if they did it again?
Was it better to use all the balls or stop at a certain point?
Was it better to focus on knocking over the king, or on knocking over as many black pieces as possible?