Animal Talk
Your challenge is to respond to each of these animal pictures
You will have one minute of think time and four minutes to respond.
You are not allowed to talk to each other at any time.
There are 7 numbered pictures and 35 numbered cards in front of you. Before each response, you will place a card in one of the containers in front of corresponding picture on the table.
You can respond in any sequence. You may give responses until the team no longer has any tokens or until time ends, whichever occurs first. Each team member may give as many or as few responses as they wish, until the cards run out.
Questions count against your thinking time.
Your challenge is to respond to each of these pictures (point to pictures). When you give your response, you must include the animal in your statement. For example you might say, “What big teeth that killer whale has,” or, “The lamb’s mom just made him eat Brussels sprouts.”
There are 7 piles of cards that are numbered to match the numbers on the pictures (point to numbers on pictures).
Before you respond about a picture, you must place the card in the container in front of the picture that has the matching number on it. (Demonstrate to team.)
Place the 7 numbered pictures and 35 cards numbered 1 to 7 in the center of the table
Place a container numbered 1 to 7 for the cards in front of the corresponding picture.
Common answers will receive 1 point.
Creative answers will receive 5 points.
You will be finished when response time ends or you have used all of your tokens.
Tips for teams:
Cards left on the table are lost points!!
Any response will be given a score whether the response is judged as being common or creative.
Usually in verbal the team will not be given a count down to the # of minutes left so the team should ask what time is remaining. That way they can judge how many tokens remain and how many quick responses they need to give in order to receive as many points as possible.
Is the team stuck? Look around the room for ideas. Build upon a previous response.
If a response is repeated a common score will be given. No more ‘repeat response, please try again!’ from the judges.
Speak loudly and clearly.
Before making a response team members should: pick up the card - hold it high - put it in the container - then give a response. This alerts the judges as well as the other team members so they don’t all give a response at once. If the token is placed in the container before giving a response - that isn’t a problem but a response must be given.