Important information about scholarship deadlines for NY OMers, both from NYSOMA and from COU, as well as recently published general clarifications that teams, coaches and officials should be aware of.
COU Alumni Award Deadlines
Emerging Alumni Award
This award recognizes current high school sophomores and juniors who are competing or who have competed and are involved in giving back to Odyssey of the Mind in extraordinary ways. Activities such as volunteering at tournaments, helping coach younger teams, and organizing Odyssey of the Mind at their local school or community would qualify an applicant.
The application deadline is February 15th, and recipients will be notified March 20th.
Alumni Ambassador Award
This award recognizes alumni who have competed, are between the ages of 18-25, and who are involved in giving back to Odyssey of the Mind in extraordinary ways. Activities such as judging, organizing tournaments, coaching teams, or coordinating activities with regional or state associations would qualify an applicant.
The recipient will represent and assist Creative Opportunities Unlimited and OdysseyAlumni at World Finals at the Creativity Festival, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Graduation Ceremony, and other activities. The award will cover room and board at World Finals in the same accommodations as Odyssey of the Mind officials as well as a $250 travel stipend.
Due to the requirements of this ambassador role, the recipient will not be able to compete or judge at World Finals. If there are questions about the expectations, please contact OdysseyAlumni.
The application deadline is February 15th, and recipients will be notified March 20th.
NYSOMA Scholarship Deadline
Every year NYSOMA awards a number of academic scholarships to New York OMers, who are graduating High School or have just started their freshman year of College.

"What has being an OMer taught you, and how will it help you and future employers?"
This years challenge is to create a lively, entertaining and creative video (3-5 minutes in length) that will show people what you have learned, and what real world 21st century skills you have developed, by participating in Odyssey of the Mind .
Deadline for submissions is March 16th 2024, by 11:59pm (EST).
COU Scholarship Deadline

Creative Opportunities Unlimited (COU) offers several different scholarships to Odyssey of the Mind participants each year.
Scholarship applicants must:
be a
high school senior,
a college freshman, sophomore, or junior, or
a college senior if pursuing post-graduate education
plan to attend post-secondary school in the U.S.
be (or will be) a full-time student who is actively attending classes in good standing.
Some of the scholarships have specific selection criteria defined by the sponsor when the scholarship was established.
Applicants should read the individual scholarship requirements to see if they are eligible and able to provide the additional elements necessary to be considered for those special scholarships.
The deadline for applications is midnight (EST) March 30, 2024.
Clarification Alert!
There have been a number of recent general clarifications.

These are updates, amendments, or further explanations of Long-Term Problem limitations, written by Odyssey of the Mind HQ and made public for all members.
General Clarifications take precedence over published problem details and the rules in the Program Guide, so it’s important that teams keep current on all general clarifications issued throughout the year by clicking “Read Clarifications” regularly.
Problem 1: Drive-In Movie
Jan 12, 2024 B10c – the original team created food item: after it is loaded onto the vehicle the food item must remain on the vehicle until the vehicle reaches the Parking Spot to be eligible for score in D5b(1).
Jan 12, 2024 B10b – the vehicle must break the plane of the ticket booth area before it acquires the ticket.
Problem 3: Classics…Opening Night Antics
Jan 8, 2024 B7 – The original play: The team’s retelling of the selected story may contain characters from the selected story, if the team so chooses.
Jan 8, 2024 B11 – The Theater Critic Character: The theater critic is not a character in the team’s original play but is an observer of the opening night production. The intended spirit is that the theater critic personifies the essence of one of the characters listed from the book in B11a.
Jan 8, 2024 D3 Should read: The story theme from the list in B7a.
Jan 8, 2024 D8a Should read: Portrays a listed character from the book with the selected theme from B11a.
Jan 8, 2024 Glossary: Play – a live performance in front of a live audience in a theatre that includes a storyline or plot; however, the play does not have to depict a live audience, in order to be considered a play, but must appear to be performed in front of a live audience.
Problem 4: Deep Space Structure
Jan 3, 2024 B17 & F2 – The Team List has been revised from 5 line items to 6, adding: A brief description of the special effect scored in F2 and when it will take place in the performance.
Problem 5: Rocking World Detour
Dec 12, 2023 B11 – Original hairstyles: Only styling of hair on the face or head will be considered for score.