Bowling us over!

Your challenge is to create a device or devices that will allow you to launch balls toward the bowling pins.
You will have 7 minutes to solve this problem. You can ask questions, but time will continue.
(see set-up)
There are three bowling setups on the floor in front of you.
There is a 5ft long release line, taped on the floor.
You have 15 balls, plus a series of materials, with which to make launching devices.
Materials: 30 roughly identical small water or soda bottles
Provide 15 balls. Golf balls and tennis balls would probably work the best.
Give the teams the following materials: 1 broom, 1 yardstick, 2 soup cans, 5 cups, 10 rubber bands, 1 dowel rod, 1 shoe, 1 coat hanger, 2 pieces of string 12", 36" of masking tape, 5 sheets of paper.
Suggested Layout:
Arrange 10 empty bottles in a bowling formation in three separate setups
Tape a line 5 feet from the setups
At the first setup, do not put stars on any of the bottles.
On the second setup, put stars on all but the back four bottles.
On the third setup put stars on all but the middle bottle.
Place dots on the floor for the locations of the water bottles.

There are three bowling setups on the floor in front of you.
Your challenge is to create a device or devices that will allow you to launch balls toward the bowling pins.
There are materials for you to make your devices; no other materials may be used. You may not alter the setup.
When launching the balls, you and any device used must stay behind completely behind the release line. Any attempt made where your body or the device crosses the line will NOT count. You may NOT launch the balls using any part of your body directly.
You will have 15 balls. You may not retrieve the balls once you launch them. You may make as many attempts at each setup as you like and you do not have complete them in order nor do you have to complete before moving on to another setup.
Some of the pins have stars on them. These pins must not be knocked over.
Pins without stars should be knocked over.
To be considered knocked over the pin must be lying on its side.
NOTE TO JUDGE: If a team member crosses the line, try to tell them before they launch the ball.
Each pin correctly knocked over will receive 5 points
Each pin correctly standing will receive 5 points
Each setup that is completed totally correct will receive 10 bonus points
Creativity of how the balls are launched 1-25 points
Teamwork 1-15 points
Were team member tasks and responsibilities sorted out clearly?
Did the team use the materials effectively?
What would the team do differently if they did it again?
Was it better to complete one setup before attempting another?
Which set-ups had the biggest risk, biggest reward?