We are back!!
Come join us, in person, at the New York State Fairgrounds on March 26th.
Come join us, in person, at the New York State Fairgrounds on March 26th.
Every 1-2 weeks New York Odyssey publishes 3 new challenges that teams can use to sharpen their spontaneous skills. Check out the new verbal, verbal-hands on and hands-on training challenges and also see previously posted challenges on our Spontaneous Page
Creative Opportunities Online (COU) have announced a scholarship opportunity for graduating HS seniors as well as two awards for HS sophomores/juniors and for Odyssey Alumni
Calling all OMers: this year's applications for the
1) Individual Scholarships,
2) Emerging Alumni Award, and
3) Alumni Ambassador Award have been posted at www.creativeopportunities.org
(under the Scholarships/Housing Grants and the Alumni/Booster tabs).
Have a look, apply, and share with OMers you know!!!